Texas Uncontested Divorce Process

An uncontested divorce can refer to an agreed divorce or a default divorce in Texas. The term “uncontested divorce” can refer issue either an agreed divorce or a default divorce. In most instances, you will find that the term is used synonymously with the term agreed divorce. However, it is critical to understand that an...

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Understanding the Process of Divorce in Texas

Uncontested vs Contested Divorce in Texas Divorce in Texas is a legal process that can be complex and emotionally challenging. It is broadly classified into two categories: contested and uncontested. Here’s a deeper dive into these two types of divorce to understand their implications and the process each entails. Contested and Uncontested divorces differ primarily based...

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What Are the Grounds for Filing for Divorce in Texas

In Texas, divorce is divided into two types: “fault” and “no-fault.” A divorce on fault grounds requires that the plaintiff prove that there is a valid reason for getting a divorce. Legal reasons for divorce in Texas include adultery, abandonment, insupportability, living apart, felony convictions, mental incapacitation, and cruel treatment, either physical or mental. Table...

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